Friday, August 28, 2009

Week Five Lecture

Unfortunately I wasn't able to attend this lecture or the following tutorial so I missed out on the actual presentation. However I have read through the available notes in Course Content.

I found the notes interesting about social media and the idea of Web 2.0 or the read-write web. It is the internet in a more interactive way. I will admit that I check my facebook account almost everyday... At first I think I was a consumer because I was new (from Myspace) and everything was different and I didn't know how to operate my account properly, now I feel I am a creator- perhaps not to the extent of some though.

I use facebook and social media for exactly that- socialising. When I graduated high school and all my friends went separate ways it became increasingly difficult to stay in contact and meet up when we are all together due to the demands of work, study, sport, family and life in general. Facebook helps us chat to each other and organise those rare outings and keep each other updated. I have 'friends' on facebook who update just about everything except maybe their bowel movements. I feel that isn't utilising facebook properly.

Everything I post I like to think I own. They are usually my thoughts, my words, my opinions, my photos, my friends in the photos (the important word being MY). I created these original pieces of work and I suppose I would like to feel as though they would remain mine. I remember someone telling me that Facebook 'owns' your photos and can use them however they desire. I think that if the picture is on your account only friends can view it and if you want to delete photos or even delete your account; all traces are deleted with it. If Facebook really has that much control, why is there so much cyber-bullying occurring at the moment??

I'm kind of going off track as a new thought pops into my head, but all these issues are related. I think if I were to lose my account tomorrow I would be ok because the photos etc are from my own personal collection already saved on my computer and I don't use the 'wall' to talk about anything serious or really personal, but I would still like to think that everything would be erased from the cyber world.

This is a really interesting topic and I'm annoyed I missed the lecture! I think it's really relevant to today’s society, especially when the age of internet users are constantly decreasing and privacy is becoming more and more harder to protect.

Week Four Lecture

When this lecture began I was kind of confused and wondered if I was in the right class for a second. Cine-speak was the topic and was rather interesting. One point I liked was that in filming shots are used as words. They explain the what, where, when, why, who and how by using different types of shots and their selection of people/objects. It's when these questions are answered accurately and effectively that the audience knows what your talking about.

We were given fun facts and more about the cinema and filming such as headroom, talking room, the 180 degree rule, that the first full length feature was The Kelly Gang made in Australia and that the first USA cinemas were called the Nickelodeons because it used to cost a Nickel to get in....still wondering if I was in the right class....

Then we were informed how when Blockbusters were then released to T.V viewing many people stopped physically going to the movies and paying to see it when they could stay home and watch T.V instead, this then lead eventually into the topic of the internet and the viewing and pirating of movies and T.V shows that now occurs and how this NEW COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY affected the process of the industry dramatically.

Sites like Youtube (which upon its launch date, the same amount of traffic went through equal to that of the amount of people who had gone through the INTERNET that whole year!) allow this easy access to TV shows and other sources of media. So I suppose it was important to understand the processes of the cinema and film and how it has travelled and where it is now compared to then...

An enjoyable lecture which I took a fair amount away with me.

Search Engines

How do search engines rank what they find?

Generally the results will be ranked depending on the most related sources which are categorised by matching keywords. Some search engines will highlight the words from most related to least related, others will give you a percentage in regards to a match.

What or who makes one page more useful than another, so that it is at the top of the search results?

Organisation of the webpage generally helps for example in topics, so you aren't lead to a big chunk of writing and have to scour through the information looking for the piece you want to know especially doing activities such as the Scavenger Hunt.

Favourite search engine? why?

I use Google to assisst me in my quest for finding answers. Easy to interpret, navigate and well presented with many other features such as books and scholar so the search can become alot more specific and make the whole process a little quicker.

Week Two Lecture

This weeks lecture intoduced the class to a short history of computing and the internet. I prepared myself for what I thought was to be a boring lecture but it was actually quite interesting and the following is what I learnt...

1. Charles Babbage designed the first machine that was intended to calculate and print mathematical tables. It was mechanical rather than electronic.

2. Computers were first commercially produced by IBM in the 1950s. They were large and expensive machines used for military, government and corporate work

3. In the early 70s think tank developed concepts such as the mouse, the GUI and pull-down menus

4. In 1975 the first PC was released called the 'zero'

5. Bill gates wrote a language called Basic for the Altair to use the PC for word processing, basic accounting and games. He invented 'Microsoft' to market his program out of his garage.

6. The first Apple computer sold for US$666

Those were some interesting facts that I got out of that lecture...

Week One Lecture

This was the first lecture of the semester and so it was an introduction to the course. We basically went over what communication is and what technology is and how they intertwine thus creating a course called New Communication Technologies.

Communication: Is any process that transfers, transmits or makes information known to others...

Technology: the scientific study of mechanical arts and their application to the world...

We were then shown a clip that was a story written in short sentences on a number of pages. Written in white writing on a black background throughout the entire clip with the song "Cocaine" playing in the background. The story told of an undercover cop who was receiving drugs planning to bust and arrest the dealer, instead the whole story flipped and he was shot by the dealer who was also an undercover cop...does that make sense??" Anyway, it was really effective yet simple, and anyone could do it if they had the initial idea.

That pretty much wrapped up our introductory lecture.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Week 4 Scavenger Hunt

Q1. what did alan turing wear while riding his bicycle around Bletchley Park?

A1. A gasmask, to avoid pollen as he had hayfever.

Q2. On what date did two computers first communicate with eachother? What were they?

A2. 1969 UCLA

Q3. What is Bill Gates birthday? How old was he when he sold his first software?

A.3 Born Oct 28, 1955. created and sold his first software when he was 13

Q4. Where was the WWW invented

A4. Switzerland

Q5.How does the power of the first computer you are working on now compare to the power of that with the power of a PC from 30years ago.


Q6.What is the weight of the largest Parsnip grown?


Q7. When did QLD become a state and why is the Tweed river in NSW?

A7. 150years ago in 2009

Q8. What was the weather was like in SE QLD on 17 november 1954?

A8. There was a cyclone

Q9. Why is Lord Byron still remembered in Venice


Q10. What band did Sirhan Chapman play in and what is his real name?

A10. The Black Assassins. Steven Stockwell? Brisbane punk from the 80's.

My experience with communication technology

If i think waaayyy back to when I first started using our family's PC I was probably about 11years old. I first used our computer for the simple things like games already on our computer, word and paint for entertainment and typing up information for school projects. The summer holidays from when I finished year seven and before I started highschool, I got my dad to set me up my very first email account. He was the 'tech-head' of the family then. He set me up with Yahoo and I sat with him so I could choose my unique email address. I didn't yet know anyone with email and so I was instead bombarded with junk mail.

When I started highschool I discovered hotmail and the beauty of msn messenger and couldn't wait to chat to my friends (who I had just spent all day at school with) on the internet. I learnt how to navigate my way through the World Wide Web and use google as a source for information and entertainment.

Now I have multiple email accounts for which I have different purposes such as social for messenger, one I created when job hunting, a school email account, now I have a University account. It is obvious that my generation has been evolving with the evolution of such internet technology and that such methods of communication make many tasks alot quicker and easier in relaying information.

My first Myspace account was made for me by a friend in year 10 and I quickly became addicted in up dating my status, photos and page layout. I would trawl for hours across friends pages commenting on their profiles and photos. I think at the age of 15, this serious internet addiction made me rather withdrawn from my 'real-life' family and I was often moody and became aggitated easily. I broke the habit eventually when my senior year became stressful and full of assignments and exams and the time to sit at the computer for hours was not available anymore.

When I graduated school, Facebook was the new trend and it was out with Myspace and in with Facebook (only because all my Myspace friends were now on Facebook). In order to keep up with my friends that were now out and about in the big wide world, Facebook was there to help me connect and catchup.

Now with the introduction of new social networks such as Twitter, I'm finding it hard to keep up. I suppose one day all my friends will be using a new application and so I will have to follow to stay in contact, but then what ever happened to phone calls?

Privacy is an issue on some sites I find, and I am reluctant to reveal everything about me. Some friends express themselves constantly and openingly, and it's intriquing to know what people are up to in their spare time. I choose not to reveal too much and prefer to use private messaging to talk to my friends about catch ups and more personal details. I find the best way to combat privacy issues all comes down to how much the individual reveals.

I really could go on and on and on and on...and on... but I have 10 questions to find answers to in the next 13minutes.

Bye for now.


video- communication of the future!

An interesting video that highlights the dangers of Internet usage in the future. The video predicts that by 2014 paper, print and other media will disintegrate and be taken over by technology such as computers. To find out more on this exciting topic please watch!!

Hi, welcome to my blog!

My name is Erin Le Comte and I’m 19 years old. I’m currently in my first year at Griffith University studying a Bachelor of Arts. Why am I telling you this? Well because I sort of have to.

See I’m doing this course, New Communication Technologies, which requires me to create a blog and discuss the lecture topics, tutorial activities and anything else that interest/distract me. I thought it would be easy writing on my blog, but I was wrong. I have typed sentences and backspaced them so many times and I’ve only written a paragraph. It's like word vomit on the computer screen really.

Well that’s all for now, tune in weekly for updates on how I’m travelling along in New Comm Tech (that is of course if I remember to update it).

Feel free to leave any comments you feel you need to make on my blog/word vomit.
