Friday, August 28, 2009

Week Two Lecture

This weeks lecture intoduced the class to a short history of computing and the internet. I prepared myself for what I thought was to be a boring lecture but it was actually quite interesting and the following is what I learnt...

1. Charles Babbage designed the first machine that was intended to calculate and print mathematical tables. It was mechanical rather than electronic.

2. Computers were first commercially produced by IBM in the 1950s. They were large and expensive machines used for military, government and corporate work

3. In the early 70s think tank developed concepts such as the mouse, the GUI and pull-down menus

4. In 1975 the first PC was released called the 'zero'

5. Bill gates wrote a language called Basic for the Altair to use the PC for word processing, basic accounting and games. He invented 'Microsoft' to market his program out of his garage.

6. The first Apple computer sold for US$666

Those were some interesting facts that I got out of that lecture...

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